AMPlify your Xenforo forum traffic

By installing the AMPXF addon and serving Accelerated Mobile Pages to your visitors, you will be able to grow your traffic without having to lift a finger. Sounds too good to be true? Check out our Beta test cases below.


Looks the same

AMPXF mimics the look and style of your normal site as much as the AMP specification allows. This makes your site look almost identical to the "real" site, and users who land on your forums from search engines, won't know the difference.

  • Toggleable sidebar menu
  • Expandable quotes
  • Expandable articles
Compatibility with Themes

AMP-optimized embeds

YouTube, Twitter, Spotify and the like will render with their own respective amp-components to bring a fast experience for embeddded content.

Compatible & Extendable

AMPXF is built so that it can also serve AMP pages for other addons. Supports XFES, XFMG & XFRM and is also compatible with third party addons like Bob's AMS, CAS, RMS, Showcase & UBS and others like Xenporta & NixFifty's Calendar. (and many more..)

AMP Robot

Our AMP robot proactively crawls your site to try and find pages that are not in accordance with the AMP specifications. This makes our devs happy, and you have to report fewer problems :)

Problem Dashboard

If our AMP Robot finds something on your forum, that is related to broken content inside a post or thread, it will report it to you so that you can make the page be semantically correct again.

Ad Management

AMPXF works with Xenforo's own advertising system to manage the ads. It provides AMP-specific positions that will only show up for AMP content. No need to mess around in the templates.

Visitor consent

AMPXF also handles user consent management, so that your site can be compliant with for example EUGDPR and CCPA. Depending on your visitors region, different consent screen will be shown.

Traffic growth insights

As an AMPXF user you will also get access to various tips and tricks to increase your forum engagement even further.

Trusted by big sites

The AMPXF addon has served 124,398,035 AMP pages since 2021-12-09.

2 / 7 XF forums

in the Alexa rank top 5,000 are using AMPXF.

23 / 53 XF forums

in the Alexa rank top 25,000 are using AMPXF.

34 / 113 XF forums

in the Alexa rank top 50,000 are using AMPXF.

58 / 237 XF forums

in the Alexa rank top 100,000 are using AMPXF.

Alexa rank is a system that ranks millions of sites according to their size and popularity. Not all sites in Alexa top 100,000 are Xenforo sites ;)

Does AMP really work?

A summary of the results across all 26 sites is as follows:

  • 27.1% increase in organic traffic
  • 33.8% increase in SERP impressions
  • 15.3% higher SERP click-through rates


We offer a Tiny Site license (30€) for sites with less than 250 daily visitors For non-profit forums we have a 40€ license that has no traffic limitations.

Small Site (< 5000 visitors/day)


  • 1 year of updates, bugfixes & support
    • Renewal 15€/yr
Grow my traffic

Large Site (5000+ visitors/day)


  • 1 year of updates, bugfixes & support
    • Renewal 60€/yr
  • Prioritized support
  • Votes for suggestions weigh more
  • Early access to try addon extensions
  • AMP Robot works 3x harder
Grow my traffic

Still unsure?


Fantastic addon with an attention-to-detail developer. I've seen some good traffic growth since installing their add-on.

Beta test sites

These are the 6 sites that were part of the Beta tests (November-December). We are happy to report that the organic traffic increases reported by percifient were not exaggerated.

20 yr old & established forum. Addon installed the 20th of November, daily average traffic is up almost 100%

  • Between 2019-07-08 and 2020-11-20 (501 days), the site was averaging ~745 users/day visiting their site.
  • Between 2020-11-20 and 2021-01-06 (47 days) they reported an average of ~1431 users/day visiting.

Google Analytics 30 days + prior 30 days

Google search console performance

Ahrefs keyword positions

Addon installed the 30th of November, daily traffic up about 20%. Forum post on validity

Google Analytics 30 days + prior 30 days

Google search console performance

Google search console Core Web Vitals (mobile)

Ahrefs keywords

Addon installed the 24th of November. The daily traffic up significantly.

Google Analytics 30 days + prior 30 days

Google search console performance

Google search console Core Web Vitals (mobile)

Larger site, had been trying to break through 300K daily visitors. Had a discontinued AMP addon installed from before.
After installing our addon broke throught the 300K daily visitors and have been growing since

Google Analytics

Google search console performance

Google search console Core Web Vitals (mobile)

(Some small bugs with addon in the early versions made "good urls" drop temporarily)

Limited data sent to us.. Installed the addon on 24th of November.

Google search console performance

Ahrefs positions

Limited data sent to us.. Installed the addon on 24th of November. Ahrefs positions still shows good improvement in SERP for their domain:

Google search console performance

Ahrefs positions

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